Friday, June 18, 2004
The other day I read a very interesting article in the Boston Globe about a group of women between the ages of 30 and 40 who belong to a book club that not only discusses the book, but they serve food that relates to it.

For example if it is a book about China the group serves Chinese food, if it takes place in Italy they serve Italian food. That sounds like a really fun group.

I belong to a book club with a group of women between the ages of 60 and 80. We meet at our clubhouse.

Forget the food, we do not even cook for ourselves!

We do relish discussing books. The most recent one is John Irving's "A Widow For One Year." It is about a dysfunctional family, all of whom are writers. It has plenty to chew on, is meaty, has some spice, a few good eggs and a few bad ones! Like a good meal it ends with a sweet dessert.

PS: We also like to chew the fat!.


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