Friday, May 05, 2006
Frank Paynter of Listics was a guest this week during Ronni's househunting in Maine. His series about childhood, youth and aging got me thinking about something that happened when I was about ten years old.
My Aunt Mary was a jolly, outgoing and lovable person. It was always fun spending time with her, she just had a way about her that was a pleasure. If it weren't for Aunt Mary I would not have any picutres of myself, my parents when they were young or my childhood friends. She was the only family member that had a camera.
There were special occasions in my growing up years where we had a professional photograher take a picture of me, one on a pony and one as as flower girl at my aunt's wedding. Today the kids have their pictures taken the minute they are born!
On one of my Aunt's visits we were sitting around the kitchen table and I mentioned the fact that I was having a problem at school, it must have been pretty bad for me to have said anything but since my Aunt was such an understanding person I felt I could talk to her. I was shocked and hurt at how she responded to me.
"Your problem is nothing compared to the troubles I am having!" I can just see myself sitting there at the table, I couldn't believe her reply. I was just a kid and had no understanding about grown-up problems.
A few years later I became aware that my Aunt's marriage was in trouble and that she was seriouly ill. She died at a young age. Every stage of life is a learning experience and we just have to keep learning.
"Live and Learn."
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