Thursday, August 03, 2006
When I was getting ready to go to Blogher I had a few concerns:
- How was I going to handle the long flight to San Jose
- How would I adjust to the time difference and
- How was I going to keep up with all those young people.
Not to worry, I did just fine.
Last summer I went to Senior Summer School, it was a two week trip where we attended classes and did some sightseeing. They had us on a tight schedule, every hour was planned, they kept us busy morning, noon and night. I found it hard to keep up especially since I had to adjust to the altitude.

Garfields by jdlasica, uploaded from flickr.
Here I was with people much younger then myself and I did just fine. The schedule was flexible and I could come and go as I pleased. The first day's sessions were too technical for me so I had the pleasure of spending the day at the pool.

That afternoon who do I see but some of Steve's friends that I knew through the their videos, and ones that Steve has done of them. What a thrill it was to see Jay Dedman and Schlomo Rabinovitz. Later in the day I had a chance to talk to Ryanne Hodson who I have followed for the past few years.

That evening went out to dinner with Steve, Amanda Congdon and Zadi Diaz, what fun to be with such live wires. Amanda said she liked hanging out with such a 'cool cat' and Zadi loved being with me!
Wherever I went people would stop me, tell me they read my blog and what an inspiration I am. The common thread was how they wish their parents would start blogging.

One afternoon I was sitting in the lobby and this handsome gentleman introduced himself to me. "My name is 'Daniel."
At the time I did not know that "Daniel" was a star on "The Bold and the Beautiful" for ten years!

At the welcome reception at the pool I was in the company of Robert Scoble, Dave Winer, J. D. Lasica, Eric Rice and Daniel McVicar.

Steve knows all these people, that explains why I was in such good company.

At the morning session, "How Has Blogging Changed Your World," I had an opportunity to answer that question.

Amanda Congdon was seated next to me and lo and behold a fan of mine came over and asked AMANDA to take a picture of the two of us!! What a good sport Amanda was!!

When the session broke the media was there, waiting their turn to interview me!!

When Blogher was over, Steve and I went to San Francisco where we met Scholomo and his mother for lunch. He has done some video blogs of her, so the two mothers had an opportunity to meet.
What impressed me the most about the attendees that I met was how talented they all are, writers, producers, social media marketing people, etc. etc. In my day if you were a school teacher or an office manager that was a big deal. Today the sky is the limit!

The plane has landed but I am still flying high!!
Tags: Blogher_06, Blogher06, Blogher.
Hooray for you Millie You are an inspiration to me, a 75 year old blogger who enjoys reading about your adventures.
Welcome back Millie...
Enjoyed your reports and it looks like you all had one heck of a good time. Look forward to hearing more as time permits.
Enjoyed your reports and it looks like you all had one heck of a good time. Look forward to hearing more as time permits.
These blogger conventions have not yet arrived in the UK and personally I don't think I would attend one if my life depended on it.
What I must ask, if it was caller BlogHer, I was under the impression it was a womens conference, yet all your pics, you are surrounded by men. Was this the Millie charm or was this a mixed sex conference ? If the latter, why call it BlogHer ? KP
What I must ask, if it was caller BlogHer, I was under the impression it was a womens conference, yet all your pics, you are surrounded by men. Was this the Millie charm or was this a mixed sex conference ? If the latter, why call it BlogHer ? KP
Wonderful Millie, thank you for the kind compliments, and it was a pleasure to meet you.
We are editing our McVlog report from Blogher, The first part should be up later today. It's a shame that we didn't get you on camera, but we were having too much fun!
I look forward to staying in touch.
We are editing our McVlog report from Blogher, The first part should be up later today. It's a shame that we didn't get you on camera, but we were having too much fun!
I look forward to staying in touch.
Oh Millie! I'm jealous, jealous! It sounded like such a grand adventure and you looked absolutely smashing! I'm having some problems looking at the vids but will keep trying. I'm so proud you represented the elder elders with such style and panache!
Yes, he does! He McVlogs!
Sorry, Daniel, I didn't see your comment.
You're gonna love Millie's stuff...
Sorry, Daniel, I didn't see your comment.
You're gonna love Millie's stuff...
I was so pleased to hear you went and also that you spoke at the convention as well.
And, you're absolutely right --I am in that group that would like to see MY PARENTS blog.
And, you're absolutely right --I am in that group that would like to see MY PARENTS blog.
What a great adventure for you, Millie! I can see you had a great time.
And thanks for sharing it with all of us that couldn't be there.
And thanks for sharing it with all of us that couldn't be there.
You asked a good question: If it was called Blogher, how come so many men?
I asked Steve that question and this is his answer: Some came to cover it - some come to recruit bloggers for their business, some came to attend interesting sessions and some came to accompany their mothers.
Steve was the one that came to accompany his mother!
Would you believe I had trouble too in viewing some of the videos - as a matter of fact I had to go to a friends house see them!!
Still haven't been able to straighten them out.
You asked a good question: If it was called Blogher, how come so many men?
I asked Steve that question and this is his answer: Some came to cover it - some come to recruit bloggers for their business, some came to attend interesting sessions and some came to accompany their mothers.
Steve was the one that came to accompany his mother!
Would you believe I had trouble too in viewing some of the videos - as a matter of fact I had to go to a friends house see them!!
Still haven't been able to straighten them out.
You are still my inspiration and now I realize that I blog with someone very famous. Have to be careful what I say...
Hi Tabor
Will wonders never seize! I still can not believe how the reporters were waiting their turn to interview me, I guess you are right, I am famous.
But not to worry, you always say the right thing.
Will wonders never seize! I still can not believe how the reporters were waiting their turn to interview me, I guess you are right, I am famous.
But not to worry, you always say the right thing.
Ah Millie, looks like Blogher was just the right thing for you to do! I enjoyed seeing the photos and your account. Am going to look the video now. (I'm catching up with all these blogs I read)
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