Saturday, October 31, 2009
A few months ago my cable company made an offer I couldn't refuse. At first it sounded too good to be true but a friend of mine signed up and believe it or not there is no gimmick. The package includes HBO for less money than what I was paying without it. This special runs for two years.

What the company is counting on is that you get hooked and when the special is over you will sign up - and that is what will surely happen to me. I'm hooked!

One of my favorite shows is "Curb Your Enthusiasm" featuring Larry David. He and I seem to have a lot in common. He can't open things and neither can I.

In his most recent TV show he got into trouble because he took too many napkins at a fast food place and the owner yelled at him!

Well, that reminded me of an incident that took place in Florida in 2004. It was lunch time and I was shopping in a delicatessen, everything smelled so good, I was hungry and lo and behold there was a vendor selling hot dogs and drinks. Great, I thought "I'll "curb my appetite" and have my lunch than and there. I placed my order, got my dog, got my drink and took TWO STRAWS.

Well, the vendor yelled at me!! "You can only take ONE straw!!!

That's how I like it. Two Straws!

It looks like Larry and I have a lot in common. Tune in next week and see what other shared experiences we have. ;-)

That's the way I like it, too, Millie!
Millie, we took one of those cable specials too and got hooked on HBO! I think Curb Your Enthusiasm is one of the best shows on TV and definitely worth the price of HBO! Mr. kenju says Larry reminds him of

I have been a huge fan of Curb Your Enthusiasm for years! If you haven't already watched the first 6seasons, I highly recommend putting them on your Netflix queue. So many great laughs!

I also took the deal and it was only for one year. But that was several years ago and now the cable cost has more than doubled! I am thinking long and serious about just going back to basic. My favorites are not on HBO anyway.
Two straws for me too. That's how many they used to put in a glass of Coke.

You're looking good, Millie.
Now that I have HBO I spend most of my TV time on it. Only exception is "Mad Men" on AMC.

What are your favorite TV shows?

Interesting that when you got a coke - it came with TWO straws. Those were the old days!!

I guess in those days "paper" was less expensive than plastic is today.

I don't subscribe to Netflix but I'll try getting the first seasons of CYE "ON DEMAND."

Time flies when I watch that show!
The best offer I've seen here for me to convert to cable, or satellite gives me HBO for only 3 months. If I ever saw a 2 year deal I might cave in and subscribe. Yeah, I'd get addicted, too, over two years.

I like Larry David's work and there are some other special networks they charge extra for above their packages, that are the ones I'd like to have available.
We don't have HBO with our satellite program. Have never seen Curb Your Enthusiam. You have me interested; thought it just for the young ones

I think Curb Your Enthusiasm is a show for all ages. We can all relate to the problems he has with people, places and things!!
good blog
I haven't seen that show, but I will keep my eye out. Yes, hooked and I can't afford to get hooked, darn it.
Hi Millie, I love your videos because they are good for my health. Laughter is such an important ingredient in my life. It reduces stress and makes me feel GREAT!
It also produces a healthy attitude.
Keep on LOL!

I'm so sad you got yelled at.
Shame on you Millie.
Two straws indeed!!!
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