Saturday, July 07, 2012
I've been learning the hard way that it's not easy going through the red tape of selling a property. The surprising thing was that I got a very good offer just a few days after I put my place up for sale. That was a good thing - BUT.

I won't even attempt to relay any of the stumbling blocks I have encountered. One of the things I remember my broker telling me at the very beginning was, "the ideal buyer pays cash!"

In this day and age how many people are in that position?

So, here I sit waiting, waiting, waiting! Can't help thinking, is all this worth the worry and the stress?

I've always been an optimistic person, looked on the bright side of things, but this situation has been a real challenge for me.

No matter what the outcome is, there are some positive things that have and will come out of what's going on now.

Now, let me count the ways.

I've had a twin bedroom set with a single headboard for years

Haven't replaced the mattresses in years.

The new place I'm going to has a smaller bedroom so I had to buy a bed to accommodate the space.

Turns out the mattress I bought is wonderfully comfortable!

Mom with her sleep technician
Image: Millie and her Jordan's Sleep Technician Perry Orent

It's a lot better than my old one!

Crowded Closets
I think most of us are guilty of having too many clothes, we buy something new and just keep squeezing another item into the closet.

Well, I'll have less closet space where I'm moving, so my BIG project has been,"throw it out if I haven't worn the item in a long time."

At this point in time I must have donated at least eight bags of clothes and I'm not done yet!

Some things were just too nice to put in a plastic bag and give away. I've been holding on to a handful of "special clothes" until I finally said, "this is it."

Fortunally I met someone who's just my size and liked what I had so at least I know the person who will enjoy those special pieces. She even wears the same size shoe as I do.

She'll be walking in my shoes!

Revisiting old projects
I've been going through drawers in which I've stored lots of notebooks and reports of projects that I have been involved with over the years.

What surprised me was how many interesting things I've done.

- Participated in Yiddish classes
- Conducted my own Yiddish group at a day care center
- Participated in a book club.
- Conducted my own book club
- Been an active member of Hadassah
- Taken many classes over the years

That brings me to this time in my life
The most interesting thing that I'm doing now is blogging. I've been blogging for nine years!

For the past few years I was committed to making a post every week. Since this past winter I've only posted once in a while, that's a big change for me.

I need some new things to challenge me, that's one of the reasons I'm trying to make a move to a new community.

While looking through papers that I've kept over the years I found these interesting points on how to enjoy the retirement years. I haven't worked in years but feel that these items are appropriate for me now:
1. Revitalize your energy by finding a community of people who embrace growth and change. Don't get stuck with the "been there, done that" crowd.

2. Rekindle your spirit for risk taking. "Do not fear mistakes,"says jazz immortal, Miles Davis, "There are none." If not you, then who? if not now, when?

3. Respond to new opportunities. Remain open to the infinite possibilities the world has to offer. Your full potential may lie ahead.

4. Recharge your system by finding something you really enjoy and make it a part of your daily wellness program.
Find more at Top Ten Ways To Retire Retirement.

My hope is that once I make the move and get settled, even though I'm no chicken, I'll be able to enjoy life more by having the opportunity to meet new people, have new positive experiences, have new and stimulating challenges, and get that zest for life again.

After all the hard work, worry and waiting, even if only some of those things happen, it will be worth while.

That's the optimist in me talking!!

It seems to me you're doing all the right stuff. It IS hard to make a move - just the sorting and packing is difficult enough but the financial details and waiting and wondering until all is settled disrupts life even more.

But look at your lists, Millie. You're doing all the right stuff and Miles is right - there are no mistakes.

And look at your lists - you're doing fine and you'll get there in the end.
Millie, when I built and moved to my country property 3 years ago I downscaled drastically like you are doing now.
Now my concern is will I be able to stay in this isolated cottage where I love gardening, my camera and computer. Talked to my son this early morning. My children are saying I am fine but soon need more help and reevaluate when I hit 80 years of age. So I am investigating and so interested in all you share - Good Luck...
I am so inspired by this post- my newest most important possession is a mug I drink coffee from in the morning that says "Life Begins at the end of your Comfort Zone"- just as yours seems to be, my life is enmeshed at the end of my comfort zone right now- it is comforting and exciting (if daunting) to know that this feeling of unease as we head toward change may never end... it in fact be one of the most rewarding parts of the human experience...
I am so inspired by this post- my newest most important possession is a mug I drink coffee from in the morning that says "Life Begins at the end of your Comfort Zone"- just as yours seems to be, my life is enmeshed at the end of my comfort zone right now- it is comforting and exciting (if daunting) to know that this feeling of unease as we head toward change may never end... it in fact be one of the most rewarding parts of the human experience...
Selling and moving are bound to be stressful I was much younger when I sold my home and moved to a town house. Now I am wondering how long I can maintain it by myself.

We just have to adjust as life and age takes it's toll. It will all be worthwhile after you are settled in your new place.
I love your attitude. I do a lot of decluttering. Whenever I am 'stuck' I just look around and get rid of something. It gets 'stuck' energy moving again!
Good for you! Keep widdling down and passing on what you can. You will love a simpler space. I can tell you from cleaning out my moms house as she is now is much better when you can make your own decisions and make your own choices. It can be hard work, but you will be happy in the end. Take care, and prayers for your continued perseverance!
Millie - you continue to inspire so many .. me on the top of that list! Looking forward to your posts about your next adventure in life in your new home. Hugs!
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