Sunday, August 05, 2012
It was weeks of packing, getting rid of stuff, a house full of boxes, disorder everywhere, and dealing with much more than I anticipated.
Is this the right time and the right move to make at this time in my life?
Boy, those questions kept me awake at night.
Looking back at it now I realize that when you are in your 70's, you are active, your health is good, friends and family are there for you, so you think: "why make the move?"
Time marches on and things change, your neighborhood changes, friends relocate or pass on, your world gets smaller.
I bit the bullet and did it!
I surprised myself on moving day.

Image: Moving

Image: Bedroom being moved

Image: Den being moved
I thought I would be sad, in tears and sorry to be leaving my spacious condo, leaving a familiar neighborhood and many good friends.
I realize the only thing I'll really miss are the friends I have made over the years.
Just because I have left the area doesn't mean I'll lose touch with my dear friends.
The phone is available, the car is available.
We will all work on getting together from time to time. It's not like I am going to a different state.
The movers showed up at 9:00 a.m. By 12:00 p.m. they were on their way to my "new place." What teamwork we had!

Image: Lunch at the new place before things moved in
Between the movers, Steve and Carol, and little old me my place was in pretty good shape by evening!
As a matter of fact a friend, that I met years ago in Florida, is living at Brooksby now. She knew I was coming in that day, knocked on my door at 8:00 p.m., and was just amazed at how 'settled in' my apartment was.

Image: Livingroom

Image: Livingroom

Image: Bedroom

Image: At my Desk
What surprises me is how well I have adjusted to a one bedroom unit.
I have to say, it's a cozy place.
There are pieces of furniture that I took with me that will have to go, and eventually I'll have to get rid of more clothes.
I knew when I was planning this move, it was not the unit itself that was as important to me as the lifestyle that it would give me.
The other night I went to dinner at one of the restaurants on the premises. What a delicious meal I had! One of the ladies said, "you get the Brooksby Bulge here."
Sounds like that first year when you live on campus at college, you eat lots of pasta, drink beer, and you gain weight.
I hope that doesn't happen to me but I do feel like I am living on campus!
The hard part of the transition is over - now I'm looking forward to meeting new people and getting involved with new activities.
Let the games begin!
It looks like a very attractive place now that you are in it. I hope you are going to love the change!
Dear Millie,
have been reading your blogs for a long time and just want to congratulate you on your new place. it does look very comfy,may you find lots of joy in your new surroundings.
have been reading your blogs for a long time and just want to congratulate you on your new place. it does look very comfy,may you find lots of joy in your new surroundings.
Welcome to your new home, Millie! And thank you Steve, for the photos.
May this new life be as happy and fruitful as the former one. Lots of love
May this new life be as happy and fruitful as the former one. Lots of love
it looks wonderful ! congratulations and best wishes for a very happy life, from Chantal, from Paris, France; I had myself to move from a big house to a tiny flat in Paris.
So glad to see that your move went well. Looks like the new place will work out great! Perhaps some more yiddish lessons soon?
So glad to see that your move went well. Looks like the new place will work out great! Perhaps some more yiddish lessons soon?
Millie, I am so happy for you. Thoughts of - when to do what you have done - or more help in my cottage by the woods.
Thank you for sharing...
Thank you for sharing...
Hi Millie,
Thank you for the photos and everything looks beautiful! Enjoy your new home and lifestyle with the best of health and happiness~
Hope I can share your new adventures with you~! We will always connect with a phone and an automobile as you stated.
Mazel Tov! L'Chaim!
Thank you for the photos and everything looks beautiful! Enjoy your new home and lifestyle with the best of health and happiness~
Hope I can share your new adventures with you~! We will always connect with a phone and an automobile as you stated.
Mazel Tov! L'Chaim!
Millie, I am glad to know that you are settled in and seem to be adjusting well to your new place. Makes me wish I could get mr; kenju in the mood to leave this big house and get into something more manageable.
My security system just warned me that this was a dangerous site and to continue here only if I was sure of it. Whoopee! Who'da thunk your blog was risky!
Congrats on your move having been accomplished so efficiently. Your new abode looks look most attractive and comfortable.
You're so right about the 70s being years that making a move doesn't seem quite the time. But as those years move toward the 80s some of those I know are thinking of moving and I'm thinking more about my own choices.
I agree friends are most important wherever we live, plus we know they're healthy for us. Enjoy yourself as I'm sure you will.
Congrats on your move having been accomplished so efficiently. Your new abode looks look most attractive and comfortable.
You're so right about the 70s being years that making a move doesn't seem quite the time. But as those years move toward the 80s some of those I know are thinking of moving and I'm thinking more about my own choices.
I agree friends are most important wherever we live, plus we know they're healthy for us. Enjoy yourself as I'm sure you will.
I will be interested in knowing how it works our for you, Millie. You are a very social person and I am sure you will be happy in your new home. Plus, there will be less furniture to dust. ;)
Congrats on the move, how smooth and quick!
Looks great, wonderful you can simplify and just enjoy yourself!
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Looks great, wonderful you can simplify and just enjoy yourself!